Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fostering Ellie

About a month ago I decided to start fostering dogs for our local SPCA chapter.

Ellie is our first dog to foster. We have had her for about a month. She is the active younger sister that our "old man" dog, Scout, never asked for. If her life had a motto it would be the same as Ricky Bobby's from Talladega Nights, " If you're not first, you're last."

I don't think Ellie knows where she is going most of the time, and so she follows Scout's lead to get up and follow me. But somehow while following Scout she is also right up in front, determined to beat Scout through every door, for every treat, and on top of every couch.In the quieter moments she is an incredibly sweet dog who loves to cuddle, and guards the house from any strange noises as though our lives depend on it.

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